Account groups are used to manage and control large number of General Ledger Accounts.
Path: SPRO - Select SAP Reference IMG - Financial Accounting - General Ledger Accounting - GL accounts - Master Data - Preparation - Define Account Group (transaction code is OBD4)
Select the menu path
Step 1) Select the New Entries button
Step 2) In the next screen populate the following fields: COA, Account Group, Name, From acct and To account details
Note:- Do not press enter while creating Account Groups
Use tab button on keyboard to move to the next column
Step 3) Select the save button![](
Select your request and press enter to save in your request
You have successfully created Chart of Accounts Account Groups.
Account groups are used to manage and control large number of General Ledger Accounts.
Path: SPRO - Select SAP Reference IMG - Financial Accounting - General Ledger Accounting - GL accounts - Master Data - Preparation - Define Account Group (transaction code is OBD4)
Step 1) Select the New Entries button
Step 2) In the next screen populate the following fields: COA, Account Group, Name, From acct and To account details
Note:- Do not press enter while creating Account Groups
Use tab button on keyboard to move to the next column
Step 3) Select the save button
Select your request and press enter to save in your request
You have successfully created Chart of Accounts Account Groups.