Creation of G/L Masters (Use transaction code - FS00)
VAT Receivable under Current Assets
Step 1) Give the G/L account number, company code and press With Template button in order to create a new G/L account with reference to another G/L account
Step 2) Enter the G/L we created previously (Inventory raw material) and Company code
Step 3) Change the short and long text to Vat Receivable
Select Create/bank/interest tab
Step 4) Field Status Group change to G041 (Tax office clearing Accounts)
Step 5) Select the save button
we receive a message below
VAT Payable under Current Liabilities and Provisions
Step 1) Give the G/L account number, Company code and press With Template button in order to create a new G/L account with reference to another G/L account
Step 2) Enter the G/L we created previously (VAT Receivable) and Company code
Step 3) Select Type/Description tab
Change Account group to Current Liabilities and Provisions
Change the short and long text to Vat payable
Step 4) Select the save button
we receive a message below
VAT Receivable under Current Assets
Step 1) Give the G/L account number, company code and press With Template button in order to create a new G/L account with reference to another G/L account
Step 2) Enter the G/L we created previously (Inventory raw material) and Company code
Step 3) Change the short and long text to Vat Receivable
Select Create/bank/interest tab
Step 4) Field Status Group change to G041 (Tax office clearing Accounts)
Step 5) Select the save button
VAT Payable under Current Liabilities and Provisions
Step 1) Give the G/L account number, Company code and press With Template button in order to create a new G/L account with reference to another G/L account
Step 2) Enter the G/L we created previously (VAT Receivable) and Company code
Step 3) Select Type/Description tab
Change Account group to Current Liabilities and Provisions
Change the short and long text to Vat payable
Step 4) Select the save button
Changes to G/L Accounts
Inventory Raw Material
Step 2) Select Control Data tab
Select Tax Category from drop down menu
Select Posting without tax allowed check box
Sales Account
Step 2) Select Control Data tab
Select Tax Category from drop down menu
Select Posting without tax allowed check box