Creation of 2GL Masters

Creating G/L Masters (Use t-code FS00)

1. Sundry debtors (Bills of Exchange) 

Step 1) Give the G/L account number, company code and press With Template button in order to create a new G/L account with reference to another G/L account

Step 2) Enter the G/L we created previously (Sundry Debtors) and Company code
Press Enter

Step 3) Change the short and long text.
Other fields are common

Step 4) Select the save buttonwe get a message below

2. SBI bill discounting

Step 1) Give the G/L account number, company code and press With Template button in order to create a new G/L account with reference to another G/L account

Step 2) Enter the G/L we created previously (SBI rupee term loan) and Company code
Press Enter

Step 3) Change the short and long text.
Select Control data tab

Step 4) Select Open item management checkbox
Select Create/bank/interest tab

Select Post automatically checkbox

Step 5) Select the save buttonwe get a message below