Assign Chart of Depreciation to Company Code
We created Chart of depreciation now we have to assign it to the company code in order to establish link between the chart of depreciation and the company code for asset accounting
In the menu path select
Step 1) Select position button
Step 2) Give Company Code
Step 3) For Company code MML assign Chart of Depreciation MML1
Step 4) Select the save button
we receive a message below
We created Chart of depreciation now we have to assign it to the company code in order to establish link between the chart of depreciation and the company code for asset accounting
Path: SPRO - Select SAP reference IMG - Financial Accounting - Asset Accounting - Organisational Structures - Assign Chart of Depreciation to Company Code (transaction code is OAOB)
In the menu path select
Step 1) Select position button
Step 2) Give Company Code
Step 3) For Company code MML assign Chart of Depreciation MML1
Step 4) Select the save button